What we do

Media Relations

We don’t tell stories; we build credibility.

We have the relationships, the experience, the track-record and the desire to help the writers and journalists who matter in your sector learn more about your company, product or service.

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As an early-stage or high-growth business, or as a company launching a new product or starting in a new market, a key to success is credibility.

Credibility comes from the time someone has taken to write something positive about your brand.Credibility comes from what people say about you when they weren’t paid to say it.

Credibility comes from ink.

And we have the relationships, the experience, the track-record and the desire to help the writers and journalists who matter in your sector learn more about your company, product or service.

We use the latest tools and our own proprietary systems to identify the journalists and media outlets which have influence on your audience, and which offer the reach and authority you’re looking for.

We work tirelessly with you to put together media relations programmes which get you and your business in front of the people who matter, and get you the recognition your business, product or service deserves.


We don’t measure success in column inches.

We measure it in referral traffic, PR generated leads and Domain Authority.


We’re not storytellers.

Well, we are when we’re at home with our children. But when we’re at work, we tell your truth to the world. We’re a team of people who will be as passionate as you are in wanting the world to know about your business, product or service.

And because we deliver Hard Numbers, we will offer industry-leading levels of transparency and reporting about our media relations programmes, so that you know exactly what we’re doing on your behalf, and the results that this is ultimately driving for your business.

We don’t measure success in column inches; we measure it in referral traffic, PR generated leads and Domain Authority.

We can help you get started today by performing an audit the media channels that have written about and linked to you and your competitors with our Digital PR Audit. Read more about about it, and register for a free audit by us below.